10 freelance commandments

by Rachel Smith
23 June 2017

When you work for yourself, it’s all too easy to become a pushover in order to get some bucks in the bank. But, for your own sanity and reputation, it’s important to set some boundaries on what you will and won’t do. Here are a few you might want to consider…

1. Thou shalt not work for peanuts. I know some of us have to, but every time you agree to write that $5 blog post, you’re perpetuating a belief that writing has no value.

2. Thou shalt not take on boring work. Unless you’re really broke and desperate. Writing’s always better when there’s some passion for the project.

3. Thou shalt not commit murder. Unless that first draft is so awful, there’s no other solution but to incinerate it.

4. Thou shalt not diss clients in public. You just never know who’s listening!

5. Thou shalt not work with someone who’s screwed you over. You’ll resent yourself for it, and they’ll probably screw you over again anyway.

6. Thou shalt not listen to people who bring you down. There’ll always be haters. Most of them couldn’t do what you do. Just keep trucking.

7. Thou shalt not work on weekends. Unless you’re on deadline and freaking out – then all bets are off.

8. Thou shalt not nick other people’s clients. It’s not just bad practice – it’s bad karma.

9. Thou shalt not nick other people’s words. You know it just makes you pond scum. Find your own stories.

10. Thou shalt interact with others. Stop avoiding those face-to-face meetings! It’s GOOD FOR YOU to get out of the house.

What are your freelance commandments?

Rachel Smith

2 responses on "10 freelance commandments"

  1. I thought I was doing so well until I got to number 7 – working on weekends. My confession is that I worked today, and will probably work tomorrow, but I have a week’s holiday coming up so I’m earning money now so I can enjoy my time out. I guess that’s the advantage of freelancing.

    1. Rachel Smith says:

      I’ve broken that one too many times to count as well! Ah well 🙂

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